Understanding Your Core Values: A Path to Authentic Living

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Discover Your True North: Unveiling Your Core Values

Many people go through the motions day after day, feeling disconnected from their true selves. 

The daily commute… the hundreds of emails… the deadlines… blah blah blah

But here’s the thing, understanding your core values, your true self and using that to guide us is the key.

Think about it. When was the last time you really sat down and thought about what matters most to you? 

If you’re drawing a blank, don’t worry. It’s never too late to start this important self-discovery process. 

In fact, identifying your core values can be the first step towards making decisions that align with who you truly are.

In this article, we’ll dive into what core values are, why they’re crucial, and how you can uncover yours. 

Let’s dive in.

What Are Core Values?

Core values are the deep beliefs and principles that guide your behavior and decision-making.

According to Betterup they define principal values as “are a set of guiding principles and beliefs that help you differentiate between “good” and “bad”.”

In essence, they’re like the GPS of your life, helping you navigate through tough choices and stay true to yourself. 

But here’s the kicker, many people don’t even realize what their core values are!

Think of core values as your personal rulebook. 

They’re the non-negotiables that define who you are and what you stand for. 

Some common core values include:

– Honesty

– Kindness

– Family

– Success

– Freedom

– Creativity

But remember, your core values are unique to you. 

What matters most to one person might not even make the list for another. 

And that’s okay! 

The goal is to identify what truly resonates with you, not what you think should be important.

Why Identifying Core Values Matters

You might be wondering, “So what? Why should I care about identifying my core values?” 

Well, let me tell you… 

1. Better Decision Making: When you know your values, making tough choices becomes easier. You’ll have a clear road to guide you.

2. Increased Confidence: There’s power in knowing who you are and what you stand for. It boosts your self-assurance like nothing else.

3. Improved Relationships: When you understand your values, you can communicate them better to others, leading to deeper connections.

4. Greater Fulfillment: Living in sync with your values brings a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose to your life.

5. Reduced Stress: No more second-guessing yourself. When your actions align with your values, you’ll feel more at peace with your decisions.

How to Identify Your Core Values

Now that you understand the importance of core values, let’s get down to business. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you uncover what matters most to you:

1. Reflect on Peak Experiences

Think back to times in your life when you felt truly happy, proud, or fulfilled. 

What was happening? What made those moments special? 

These peak experiences can offer clues about your core values.

2. Consider Your Heroes

Who do you admire most? 

What qualities do they possess that you find inspiring? 

The traits you admire in others often reflect your own core values.

3. Examine Your Anger

Believe it or not, the things that make you angry can reveal your core values. 

When you feel upset, it’s often because one of your values has been violated.

4. Use a Values List

Sometimes, it helps to see a comprehensive list of values. 

Look through a list and note which ones resonate with you. 

Don’t overthink it – go with your gut reaction.

5. Prioritize

Once you’ve identified several values that feel important to you, it’s time to narrow them down

Aim for 3-5 core values that truly define who you are.

Living Your Core Values

Identifying your core values is just the first step. The real magic happens when you start aligning your life with these values. 

Here’s how:

1. Make Decisions: Use your core values as a litmus test for big decisions. Does this choice align with what matters most to you?

2. Set Goals: Let your core values guide your goal-setting process. Ensure what you really want are in line with your fundamental beliefs.

3. Evaluate Relationships: Think about how your relationships align with your core values. Do the people in your life support and share your values?

4. Choose a Career: Your work takes up a significant portion of your life. Make sure your career aligns with your core values for greater satisfaction.

5. Daily Actions: Look for small ways to incorporate your values into your daily routine. Every action, no matter how small, can reflect your core beliefs.

Overcoming Challenges

Let’s be real – living your core values isn’t always easy. 

You might face societal pressure, conflicting values, or situations where your values are put to the test. 

But here’s the thing, these challenges are opportunities for growth.

When you encounter a situation that challenges your values, take a step back. 

Reflect on why it’s causing discomfort and how you can respond in a way that honors your core beliefs. 

Remember, it’s okay to adjust your approach, but stay true to what matters most to you.

Final Thoughts: 

Identifying your core values is a powerful step towards being the real you which leads to a fulfilling life. 

It’s not about finding the “right” values, but about discovering what truly matters to you. 

By understanding your core values, you’re equipping yourself with a personal compass that can guide you through life’s ups and downs.

So, take the time to reflect, explore, and define your core values. 

Use them as a foundation for making decisions, setting goals, and navigating relationships. 

Remember, living in alignment with your values is an ongoing process. 

Be patient with yourself and celebrate the moments when you honor what matters most to you.

Now, it’s your turn. 

What core values will you uncover? 

How will they shape your path forward? 

The journey to authentic living starts with you.


  1. https://www.betterup.com/blog/meaning-of-personal-values#:~:text=Personal%20values%20are%20a%20set,uniquely%20move%20through%20the%20world.

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