Mans face, with a look of Focus, about to sprint. The Beginners Guide to Focus (2024)

Focus the Beginners Guide (2024)

Focusing on something isn’t like an on-and-off switch. Focus is something we hone, practice and scalp. 

Think of it like building muscle or losing weight in the gym. You won’t gain 10 lbs of muscle on day one, and Livewsie won’t lose that 50 lbs either.

Practicing how to focus is the first step, followed by repetitions. In this beginner’s guide to focus, you will find different ways to focus! 

Let’s dive in. 

Measuring Your Focus Level

Have a look at the table below and complete it on your own. 

Good Needs Improvement
You find it easy to stay alert and on track
You set goals and break tasks up into smaller chunks
You take short breaks, then get back to work.
You daydream regularly
You can’t tune out distractions, i.e. phone, apps, games, etc
You lose track of your progress.

Learn to Focus First 

Think of focus like a muscle, or you’re trying to tone or grow. At first, your brain/body won’t know what to do. 

It will get sore, and your brain will tell you it’s not worth training that muscle again. However, it gets easier if we build that mental capacity to ignore our silly brain. And push through the soreness. 

Eventually, that muscle will grow. Learning to focus requires the ‘same’ type of training. 

We need to train our minds to focus by getting in the reps, even when it feels like it’s not working. Focusing on things will compound once we push past and get in the reps. We will eventually be able to focus when needed.

I have been reading a book called You Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins… My god. This man had one of the most traumatic childhoods I think I’ve ever heard. 

With all those obstacles he faced, he developed the focus and the obsession to push forward. I highly recommend giving this a read. Afterwards, any excuses will seem petty in comparison. 

A World of Distractions

Focusing in today’s world (2024) takes a lot of work. We have so many devices and applications that have mastered getting our attention. Serotonin and Dopamine. 

Our bodies try to repeat the feel-good chemicals our body produces. Either consciously or subconsciously. 

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that mediates satisfaction, happiness and optimism. 

Dopamine acts on brain areas to give you pleasure, satisfaction and motivation.  

With so many ways to distract us, it’s a good idea to set up “focus zones.” Where all our devices are in different rooms, shut them off or put them on ‘do not disturb’ mode. 

Focus Sprints

Optimal focus occurs in 90-minute sprints. On any given day, we can do one to three 90-minute cycles. After three sprints, focusing and retaining new information becomes increasingly difficult.

After each sprint, there are various things you can do to reset the brain. Head outdoors and go for a walk (my favourite, especially in the spring & summer). 

Unplug from everything. Letting your brain take over. Allowing thoughts to flow in whichever direction they want. In other words, meditation. 

Sleep Increases Focus

Sleep is important for our bodies in numerous ways—more than I can include in this post. 

After a restful sleep, the body and mind are relaxed, repaired, and ready to take on the day’s challenges. 

When waking up from a good night’s sleep, fully recharged, the body and mind are relaxed. repaired, and ready to take on the day’s challenges. 

Focus Optimally 

After a good night’s sleep, we can focus better during the first 8 hours of being awake. The earlier, the better. 

As the day drifts by, our minds begin to process information and that health bar begins to lower. 

Meaning less mental capacity actually to focus. 

Think of those old-school console games. Street Fighter or Mortal Combat and the character’s health bar. As we take on my damage, the lower the heath bar goes. 

The same type of reaction happens to our ‘focus bar.’ 

After 8 hours, your body naturally lowers adrenaline and increases serotonin. 

Focus with Intention

Setting your focus sessions with intentions and having a plan in advance can be very helpful. By planning, we can book the time to get whatever we need to focus on doing. 

It gives us less of a chance to get distracted when we know we need to finish writing this article between 8 and 9 am.

Eating healthy and nutritious food makes your body use those nutrients optimally. Your body needs specific macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals each day. Or I only have this period of time to get things done distraction-free.

Focus on Nutrition & Physical Activity

Eating healthy and nutritious food makes your body use those nutrients optimally. Your body needs specific macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals each day. 

Providing those things gives our body the ability to be at peak performance. That being said, I don’t believe eating other foods like McDonald’s means you can’t focus. 

Sure, you might not hit every vitamin or mineral, and due to sugar spikes, you may crave more food or other sweets. That’s a topic for another day. 

Eat well the majority of the time. That’s a good rule of thumb.

Strength training helps to reduce stress and lowers cholesterol and cortisone. It gives me a sense of calm and well-being. 

Training also helps push out any stressors that day. Not to mention, it helps with regulating the body and is a confidence boost when looking in the mirror.

Final Thoughts 

Focusing on tasks is challenging in today’s world. With good planning, intention, and willpower, we can achieve anything.

Remember to take breaks, remove distractions as best as possible, and work with a goal in mind.

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