The Absence of Writing

Pen on a black table

The habit of writing is something I have been doing for some time. 

What’s obvious is the benefits that occur when pouring out our thoughts onto a pad of paper or a clean digital document. 

My thoughts become this web of beauty. The perfect trap for our prey. 

In this case, my busy mind.  Like a spider creating the perfect web.  

As I write, thoughts that take up brain power start to ease. My tank becomes fuller although with clean and fresh fuel. 

New ideas begin to pour in, and old stiff ones depart. 

I become more creative. 

Curious. Connect with others who are like-minded. 

Writing captures moments we would otherwise overlook, forget, or never explore. It really is so beneficial. 

But why do some never utilize writing? 

Is it the way they were taught in school? The English teacher. The format. 

Perhaps all of the above. 

I think people create their own stories, and narratives and are really shaped by society. That has a lingering effect on how we perceive the world. 

What we consider valuable. What we think is cool because John does it so it must be. 

The lack of writing diminishes opportunities. 

It makes that beautiful web we mastered earlier tangled. Missing pieces and lack of conformity. Maybe will catch some prey but many will escape. 

By not writing our minds become clustered, stale and rusted. The fresh connections begin to fade and we are left with anxiety and the stress piles on. 

The lesson. Write. Write often. Write willingly. Write by starting.

Pen. Paper. Computer. Peace and quiet.

You’ll be amazed at what you paint with words. 

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